My story with reptiles started in 2016

I got my first bearded dragon in Beijing

September 11, 2016

This is a young male Bearded Dragon. When I first saw this species I was fascinated by how diverse life is! He was still shedding his skin when this picture was taken.

The first giant lizard

After I gained experience, my father bought me a male Green Iguana named Pretty, which is now 1.7 meters long. This was my first giant lizard and I improved my breeding skills.

March 1, 2019

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The first giant snake

I like to experiment with unchallenged species and this time I turned to snakes. This is a 1.5-meter-long male Boa Constrictor with a relatively mild temperament. Only Dutch rats could keep him full. It was a challenge to feed him every time.

June 10, 2022

Killing Dutch rat

First "herping" in the Kubuqi Desert, Ordos

Finally finished the college entrance examination, I can also go to the field to realize the dream of herping. This time I came to the Kubuqi Desert, located in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. I found three kinds of lizards in the desert, respectively: Red Ear Sand Lizard, Erma Lizard, and Shark Lizard. I recorded this moment for my brother.

July 21, 2022

In Macau, my first reptile was a Herman Tortoise

I was very happy to meet many new animals in the reptile shop in Macau, and I chose to raise a male Herman Tortoise as a new start. I named him Cai Xukun, a little laughing... fed him fresh green vegetables and D3 calcium powder every day, and took him to the balcony of the dormitory to bask in the sun if possible.

September 1, 2022

Cai Xukun eating vegetables

The snake mania, I had four snakes

After watching YouTube videos, I was deeply attracted to pythons and boas during this period. I bought four snakes, the Brazilian Rainbow Boa, the VPI Boa, the Banana Ball Python, and the BCC Boa. They all greatly satisfied my ideas.

October 2, 2022 to February 9, 2023

The first monitor Lizard

During the Chinese New Year, I contacted a seller in Hong Kong on Facebook and went to Hong Kong to buy this male Black-throated Monitor Lizard on February 19, 2023. I named him Bobo. This little guy was very cute, and liked to eat seafood. Just five months from 30 cm to 90 cm, how excited!

February 19, 2023 to July 25, 2023

Bobo eating snail meat

We are both alumni and reptile friends

Well, this man is my best friend at school. His name is Darth Li, now studying for a Master's degree at the University of New South Wales. I used to marvel at his method of breeding, keeping a Water Monitor Lizard with Tegu together, but it turned out to be acceptable. But I think he's better at keeping parrots.

April 29, 2023

May 1, 2023

This was the first time I've tried to do this. Because I was not completely sure, I was worried that the monitor lizard would attack the tortoises, so I had to replace a 2.4m*0.6m*0.6m large enclosure. Fortunately, the monitor was not interested in them, maybe because of the diet, but I believed it was due to the size difference.

Polyculture: A monitor with four tortoises

July 29, 2023

Crawling Pet Exhibition in Shanghai with friends

During the summer vacation, I participated in the exhibition in Shanghai with three other reptile friends from Beijing, Shaoguan, Guangdong, and Shanghai. So glad to have this opportunity to get together and enjoy different animals with people from all over the country. At this show, I learned that the market seemed to be really saturated, and there was not much to attract me.

December 10, 2023

Carpet Python special, the second snake mania

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Carpet Pythons have been my favorite species since high school, and at the end of the year, the reptile shop introduced a batch of Carpet Python, and I took the opportunity to purchase three snakes with different genes. They are albino, granite jaguar, and caramel jaguar. This snake is a semi-arboreal animal, it's also somewhat difficult to feed, which brought me no small challenge.

Click here to learn about my future reptile plan