My Future Reptile Plan

Due to personal time problems, I don't plan to raise too many reptiles in the next two years, but choose to go abroad for field study, find wild reptiles, and finish the article writing. There are three target countries: Australia, Indonesia and Thailand.

About the Schedule



Indonesia is rich in monitor lizards, the famous Komodo Monitor Lizards live on Indonesia's Rinka Island, I hope to visit this country many times, to different places to look for monitor lizards. Indonesia has achieved a very high level of Water Monitor Lizard breeding, and is one of the world's top-producing countries, in addition to the Gray's lizard is a local unique species, which is very attractive for a reptile lover.


Thailand is more like a global pet market, it is not particularly famous for the endemic species, but the tourism and service industry attract visitors. If you are looking for experience in the pet industry, the pet market in Thailand will be a good choice. Therefore, I hope to enjoy and relax and never expect to see very professional content.

As an isolated island, Australia is home to many unique animals. I'm looking for two monitor lizards that live in Australia: the Perentie and the Lace Monitor Lizard, and three pythons: the Black-head Python, Woma Python, and the Olive Python. Because the Australian government restricts the export trade, it is difficult to see these unique varieties in the overseas market, so I hope to see real living animals and appreciate their beauty.

Always smile, as long as there is life there is hope.”

Jeremy John Wade